Sunday, January 13, 2013

Learning Burmese

Yesterday Arne & I started Burmese classes. It's only a 4-day course of a total 8 hours, but it should give us at least the basics: reading, some sentence structure, and initial vocabulary.

On the first day, to get us involved, the teacher went one by one, and in my turn asked:
"Liat, what is your favorite Burmese letter?"
I answered, of course, that my favorites were those people-letters.
She looked confused.
"You know, for example, that man, who's holding his stomach with his hands".
I was referring to this guy.

Isn't he cute?
Today, after my second class, I can confirm: this does not symbolize a pregnant woman nor a guy with a stomach ache. Burmese is just written in 3 lines: in this case it's one line for the consonant, and the vowels below and above.

I'm surprised to say that not only does Burmese have beautiful characters, but I have the impression it's easier than Hebrew. Or maybe it's just out great teacher that makes it seem that way.


  1. איזה יופי האיש! :)

  2. I want to hear about the teaching method! :)
