Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our weekend in fantasyland (Singapore)

We spent a nice long weekend in Singapore, with the excuse of renewing Arne's visa (no success there), and with the real reason being that we wanted to visit his friend who lives there, and also escape our real (hard) life for a few days.

It was like a (tacky) dream. Sipping a Singapore Sling on the balcony of the 57th floor at sunset, staying in a posh, airconditioned, swimming-pooled, cheese-packed-fridge apartment, walking among the glaring Louis Vuitton signs - we felt far, far from home (wherever home may be).

Singapore is a very plastic-y place in the sense that it's planned and clean and has tons of extreme laws, but not stupidly plastic-y, but smartly plastic-y. The know what people like, so they build it. Sometimes a little over the top. Example:
The Gardens by the Bay, a huge, beautiful park that featured several themed gardens and two domes, one of which had a fake 35-meter waterfall inside. And costs 20$ to enter. We skipped the domes, and even though I really love parks, this was a bit.. Too big. But beautiful - I give it a 10.

My buddy explorer.

Singapore had some other crazy things. Like an initiative to extinct mosquitos - the bizarre "mozzie wipeout". 

When I protested that that can't be right, Arne pointed out that since Singapore has no eco-system left anyway, the lack of mosquitos will probably not be a problem. Sadly, that makes perfect sense.

I thought of my dad when I saw this:

But Singapore also has some normal and very nice sides to it. We ate yummy Indian food (eating with my hands is really a lost skill!), walked around in the perfect summery weather, and saw quite a few beautiful things. 


Special thanks to Ollie - what a great host!

Going home was totally fine. Quite surprisingly. Rainy season should start any day now, hopefully taking with it the heat, the sweat, the noise, and the dust.

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