Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Teach for Myanmar

We've agreed on a base option:
If indeed, as it seems now, we decide to go to Burma, but I can't find any professionally-substantial occupation, we will start as volunteer teachers (English or social sciences), and try and make conenctions and find opportunities on the ground.
Two organizations offer this volunteer experience; but only one of these, Teach for Myanmar, is actually based in Burma (the other is across the border in Thailand).
I'm excited about this plan, since it means I can have more focused efforts - on just one country, and have better clarity about the future.
The organization's website seems quite serious, and they require a form to be submitted, with information such as "why do you think you'd make a good teacher" and "what do you know about Myanmar". Annoyingly, they also require 2 references (I see where they're coming from, but when I'm applying for 10 things at once like I am now, it doesn't seem to make sense to make requests from my references for an unpaid position, before even screening my application).
This makes me happy. Burma looks like a really great place to be: safe, friendly, in the height of potential development. 

But I'm not giving up hope on a more substantial position through one of my contacts.. fingers crossed!


In Switzerland,
life could hardly be any sweeter. This place has everything- is it really sensible to leave?
Inspiring sceneries

Hand-knitted diner advertising
The view just outside the office

"The muppet" - one of Switzerland's funkiest flowers

My beloved weekly regional produce

Monday, September 10, 2012

Crazy idea #1

Last week my beloved was once again browsing the used car section, when he came across an ad for this amazing old-school camper van.

A peak at the bed & kitchen

We'd been looking for just this for a while, and this one was even on sale for a very affordable price, and right down the road from us.

More importantly, for someone who grew up on an island, it turned out we could DRIVE to New-Delhi in only 96 hours. 96 hours! Inconceivable!

That's a comfortable 2 weeks vacation!!

Of course.. that would require passing through some tricky territories.. Iran, to mention one.

The re-routing we found, through Russia, China and Mongolia adds only about 50 hours, but appears to have some tricky elements of its own.

After an hour of enthusiasm, we decided we'll probably still fly to .. wherever it is.

And in the meantime, the owner never got back to us.. dilemma resolved, dream (of crossing the world by road, in more peaceful times) - remains.

Can I sleep while he drives?
 If the owner of this camper-van is reading this: please contact me. I promise we'll treat your car like family. Really.

Where to go?

One and a half years ago, I was an associate brand manager at Procter&Gamble's European headquarters in Geneva. I was marketing top quality hair color to Russia's value-driven ladies, and felt there might be more out there.
The IOMBA was my next step. The 1-year MBA focusing on International Organizations helped me learn a lot about the issues of poverty, of development, of International Organizations.
Now I'm ready to go to the field. Or at least.. I think I'm ready.
My internship contract at the World Economic Forum ends in 1 month, and after allowing some time for packing, farewells, and final fondues, I'm taking my best pal are heading.. well, somewhere.

So where can an ex-marketing gal and her medical-device-engineer-guy go make a small difference and a gain a big life and professional experience? we reviewed our options.

1. Burma. Apparently the hottest development spot on earth nowadays, the locals are known to be friendly, the scenery beautiful - not yet spoiled by the aid industry - and the opportunities huge. Cons: not much internet connection, dual country name confusing.
2. India, and most specifically - New Delhi. I got an offer in New Delhi, and after a few conversations with friends, we even managed to believe it could be a great experience. Cons: tough weather, extreme poverty, development is yesterday's news.
3. Africa (which is not in itself, a country). Africa seems so exotic and full of opportunities. Cons: where to go? Kenya? Ethiopia? urban or rural? and quite importantly - what about our safety?

So we started talking to everyone we know. Friends, colleagues, family. Even started a blog. Any thoughts?